As a Graphic Designer, one of the first things you fall in love with is fonts. I’ve been doing this for so long, you’d think that I would have collected enough of them by now. Well, yes, I do have enough of them by now, but that won’t stop me from collecting and admiring them. And the truth is, there are soooooo many fonts out there now, that most of them are really bad.
That’s why it’s especially delightful to come across a whole foundry of fonts that I absolutely adore. Exhibit A: Hold Fast Foundry. If you love vintage inspired design and/or fonts, you will LOVE what Hold Fast is serving up. The fonts are designed exquisitly, and offer loads of options. Want that font smooth or rough? No problem. Want a suite of fonts that you can customize by layering. So totally done. Alternates. Yep.
Oh yeah, they also come with great names like Prohibition, Gin, and Bourbon. Bestill my Boardwalk Empire loving heart.
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